Rockin' Girl Blogger Award goes to...

As you read in the previous post, I got 'awarded' and consequently tagged for the Rockin' Girl Blogger Award. I could say right back atcha to Mary for tagging me but then it ends up being one of those 'thank you, thank YOU!, THANK YOU!!' etc etc etc. lol
However, the idea is to award/tag 5 other rockin' women/girls and I realized how few blogs I frequent are headed up by women.. Still, here goes :
Is America Burning? Granny, Worried and Gadfly are three diverse women from different parts of the country (US) who comment passionately on all things hypocritical; politics, gay and lesbian issues (having a gay child in the family), the war in Iraq (having a son or was it grandson?? sorry Worried, forgot) and the dangerous mix of politics and fundamentalist Christianity. Who says that blogging is for the 'young' self absorbed, here I am look at ME, generation? Daily do they post and daily do they keep me informed of things that go unnoticed in the big media.. You gals rock!
Betmo, from Life's Journey. Very involved, outspoken, informed and informative. That is how I found out about the upcoming 7/7/7 concerts all over the world next week. A fellow participant in the now non-functional 'bloggers against torture', she and I and a few others were early participants in the 24hr blogging marathon for raising awareness about Guantanamo. Check her out for progressive commentaries. And did I say informed?
Miraj, from Baghdad Chronicles. She in all her vulnerability and terrorized moments has a strength that one can only be thankful for when reading her posts. Even though she has not posted since January of this year, many people return to check up on her in the hopes of some report that she is doing well. That she is alive. I fear we will never know. Even in the best of times in our comfortable lives here outside the war zone it is easy to get out of the groove of posting. How much more when you are faced with daily terror, danger, and seemingly (?) insurmountable challenges? Miraj, where ever you are, you rock girl!
Still worthwhile to check out her posts.
Zazou, of Make Some Noise. Zazou is another politically motivated blogger with strong artistic overtones (undertones, 'tones'??). Her Arabic connections stem from a previous marriage to a Maroccan, and having lived in the culture being much more understanding of the complicated and varied Arab backgrounds of which there are many. She's an American living in SoCal and always has something interesting to say and share with her artistic friends.
Um Naief.. Hynotic Verses. Actually, in respect for her 'new identity' as a new mom, I won't share her real English name as she's an American married to a Bahraini. So now, she's 'Um Naief', mother of Naief. It is fascinating to follow someone else's travails and trials living in a very different culture dealing with everything from inlaw superstitions, to frustrations regarding politics etc. As is common with those with blogs, she's outspoken and has plenty of interesting life stories to share. To take that big leap of faith to follow one's love to such a different culture, it takes strength and courage and devotion.. you rock girl!!
So with this award, I present to you an accompanying mission; report on five other rockin' girl bloggers and pass along the award.
Labels: Rockin' Girl Bloggers Award
Ingrid, thank you. We may not be able to get the button on the sidebar because of technical problems but perhaps I can do it in a post.
I was just awarded one for "granny" and picked out five other grannies for the honor.
I didn't choose WA because it was too much like nominating my own blog. I'm so glad you did.
We all rock - each in our own way.
Well said Granny. We do all rock in our own way.
Ingrid- Great list. Can't wait to check out the ones I don't know.
Ingrid, you are such a doll! Thank you so much for the kind attention (chukran b'saf, ya habibati!) It's so cool to be part of any rockin' group - but this one is especially cool and I'll be on the look out for more sisters, mis hermanas y mas. Big shout out to the rest of the rockin' chicks!
Make Some Noise, y'all!
ooh- have i got something for you!!
all women writers from various other blogs in one place writing. join the forum- and if you are interested in writing talk to dusty!
and thanks for the award- you are really too kind :)
wow.... i can't get over this. THANK YOU!! that makes me feel really good.
i'll put this on my blog probably tomorrow... what a cool thing to do!
altho i haven't been around reading blogs for a while, you aren't far from my mind....
again, thank you. you made my day... and even my week! :)
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