Going down memory lane: Happy Canada Day!

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Indulge me, which ever country you live in, to boast a bit about Canada. Not only is July 1st, Canada Day...it's the only day when Canadians go out full force to celebrate their independence, and their uniqueness, and are "proud to be Canadian/fiere d'ettre Canadienne". The national bragging day for otherwise modest Canadians who can safely come out of their closets to show that they are close to being patriotic as their American cousins, but not too much eh?
I moved to Ottawa, Canada in the mid '80s. Inexperienced and, as the saying goes, green as grass. When winter arrived, I thought I was properly dressed in my Dutch winter clothes and boots. Well, waiting for the bus more than once I escaped freezing my toes off more than once until I figured out what kind of boots (
Even though the cultural differences were at times difficult, coming from a country where people are literally closer in distance and in visiting..I had come to love the physical and geographical space. Even after the break up of the USSR..Canada is still the second largest country in the world.
Canada's scenery is breath taking. Canadians' national identity is strong in the face of a very (appearing) confident neighbour that is more vocal in politics (hence the NAFTA got strong armed through, c'est dommage Pro-Canada Network). Canadians I think are more confident though than Americans because they in general, have a better understanding of the bigger world around them. As in, the rest of the world. During the coverage shortly after 9/11, my husband (American) and I would watch CBC news via C-Span that would cover the situation on the streets of New York just a bit better. While I went to Carleton University (in Ottawa), I heard more students going on a trip to Europe or around the world after graduation before settling down, than here in the US. It seemed to be the thing to do.
So, just so you know..here are some Canadian inventions;
Anti-gravity suit-invented by Wilbur Rounding Franks in 1941, a suit for high altitude jet pilots
Automatic Postal Sorter-1957, Maurice Levy invented a postal sorter that could handle 200,000 letters an hour
Basketball (yes!)-invented by James Naismith in 1891
Electric Light Bulb-Henry Woodward invented the electric light bulb in 1874 and sold the patent to Thomas Edison
IMAX Movie System-co-invented in 1968 by Grahame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor and Robert Kerr
JAVA- a programming language invented by James Gosling in 1994
Some Famous Canadians
Famous Canadian Actors
Famous Canadian Actresses
And what would we be without Famous Canadian Athletes
I AM CANADIAN!!click to see the Joe rant commercial claiming his identity!
If you want to see the LIVE fireworks on Parliament Hill..click on the HILL CAM!
Happy Canada Day and don't drink and drive!
love and hugs to Christy and Luc..one day I'll be back for a good long visit...sniff!
And Neil Young and Gordon Lightfoot among many others.
Happy Canada Day. I already singled out Canada on granny.
I love Toronto and the coldest place on earth (at least the 2 times I was there) is St Catherine's Street in Montreal.
I didn't click your links but if they're not there, Bob & Doug McKenzie.
Zeb, one of my memories of 'Teranna'is my second weekend after I emigrated (went over there as a nanny), I went to TO from Ottawa to visit one of my nephews who was studying law at York, and walking down Yonge Street, I saw the lead singer of Frankie goes to Hollywood walking past me. I was so young and 'green' and I was wowed by the big city! Eating in Chinatown in a huge restaurent as one of the very few caucasians, I ended up asking the waiter for a fork and knife who then gave me this 'tsk' look and gave me a knife that looked like it was used in the kitchen!lol I have 'bob and doug mckenzie' on my computer, but I figured I needed to save them for Christmas! The Hill Cam is a sentimental one for me, as I used to be part of the big big crowd in downtown Ottawa celebrating on Parliament Hill watching the fireworks oh and, watching the PM speak in the morning afterwhich he'd go down and shake hands with people. I got a pic of Brian Mulroney as he got real close to me. Aaah memories..
PS, Montreal I have only been twice. I always wanted to go to the Just for Laughs festival but never made it. It's where I saw my first baseball game, being new to the continent, not having a clue about the game. Nor about this thing where people stood up and sat down..(the 'wave')..
Hi Ingrid,
I found your blog through my dad’s blog (Lindsay’s lobes) where you posted a comment recently. We are both looking at your blog now with interest, especially the article on Canada Day. (Also see the comment reply on Lindsay’s Lobes to your comment. I have 2 blogs one called “Less is More” http://lessismoreblog.blogspot.com which is all about downshifting and my music blog http://rachaelbyrnes.blogspot.com) Indeed, Canadians do seem to be a great bunch! Some of our blogger friends are Canadians including Withinsight, MaisonMadcap & GrannyFiddler (see links on Lindsay’s blog to these blogs)
It seems that Canadians and Australian’s share much common ground. E.g. the same parliamentary, legal system and geographic spread. Populations in Australia are centred on the eastern Seaboard and Canada’s population is also concentrated along one edge (the US boarder). Both countries have large land masses and minerals with similar populations.
Both countries also have great singer songwriters!!!
Hi Rachel and Welcome! Ah, Canadians and Australians are still somewhat part of that 'British empire' thing lol. When I made the oath when I became Canadian, I had the choice whether I wanted to include pledging allegiance to the Queen as well. I said, naah. Growing up in Holland with royalty I thought, been there done that! After all, to pledge to be a responsible and law abiding citizen is one thing, pledging allegiance to a person as if we're a few hundreds years back is another. Wow, I will have to check out your sites! You have a great name for a singer too, I'll definitely need to check that out for sure as I love music. Austin TX, is called (by the city itself) the live music capital of the world and we do get quite the variety of musicians/singers from all over the world. Have you heard of the Austin City Limit Music festival? I believe it's every September.http://www.aclfestival.com/default.aspx check it out. Could have a few aussies in there too.
I'll have to go and check out the reply on your dad's site.
Thanks for stopping by to comment (it's always nice to get a wee bit of a connection) and hope to see you again!
Go Canada!
One of the few places that can look south and say to us, 'what the hell is wrong with you!" with moral authority.
Wow! You've got it all. Our Canada celebration in NElson, BC included a huge cake, singing by the flagpole (with the city band playing Oh Canada), sand sculpture contest, face painting, all day music and of course...fireworks over the lake at dark.
I haven't missed it in 15 years!
they can afford to be 'upbeat'; they're not Americans! (that's the way some Canadians refer themselves to as a matter of 'pride'. And of course, those Canadians you've met, must be the retired kind so they're just chillin a bunch in the sunny south, lol.
And, showing my ignorance, I have to ask, what is the Hipeponyous boxed set??
thx for stopping by. I will make an effort this week(end) to check out more of your posts..
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