Community Radio

Last night, I had a GREAT time watching Lewis Black, live here in Austin, doing his Red White and Screwed show.(Kel from the Uk The Osterly, click on 'Lewis' and you'll find out how to book 'm) One of the things about seeing comedy live is the vibe of the audience and you could tell there were quite a few who'd seen him before. It got me thinking about the big picture as Lewis Black, in true form, came 'unraveled' over all the various idiotic things that the Bush administration have done, or said.
The big picture to me is that more and more, individual voices and yes, how cliche, 'alternative voices' are being drowned out in the sea of commercialism and big media being owned by just a few.

Thank God for community radio.
They certainly are the voice of their communities and Austin is priviliged to have one as well. One that I have linked to as sometimes they have awesome interviews, such as last week with Robert Jensen. So tonight, I went for a broadcast programmer volunteer orientation session to check out what Austin's KOOP, 91.7FM was looking for. There were at least 30 people so that was a great turn out.
If you feel that figuratively, you do not have a 'voice' in todays politics, or any other local or state (whatever it is in your country) political environment, check and see if you can hit the airways, on the air or behind the scene, or in a supporting role. If you live in Australia, India, Uk, India, Ireland, the US and Sweden..check out this link to familiarize yourself.
Hopefully they'll pick me for training, it would really be great to be involved and put my own little rubber stamp on the world..just a little.
How fantastic that you got along.
I imagine it's even better to see him live. Was it just fantastic?
Kel, it was hilarious, especially the end. I don't want to give anything away though. Mind you, if you've seen the whole show with the youtube video's you posted, you'll know what I mean.
He did not do one joke very well and after he went on for a few seconds, he went into one of those 'cheek shaking' blubaba (how would you describe it??) and kicking himself for doing so so he did it over and the crowd loved him for it. I hope you'll be able to see him live sometime in the UK. Apparently, he also is a guest commentator on the Daily Show so..
After the show my husband turned to me and said, I haven't heard you laugh like that in a loong time. (I know..)
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