Publicity hound

In the last couple of weeks, since getting on the board of the Gilbert and Sullivan society, I've been asked to join the publicity committee AND the fundraising committee. Both up my alley interest-wise. Since we are getting ready for auditions for Iolanthe, I was asked to contact all high schools here in Austin and the various colleges and universities. I tell you, I've been having fun with that. My brain is wired for PR. This morning, it hit me.

Gilbert and Sullivan society for Austin, audition info follow the link
Over 20 yrs ago (crap, time flies), a girl friend of mine was working in PR back in Ottawa Canada. She had worked previously for the Canadian Opera company as well (in Toronto) and during an outing, she turned to me and said, you know, you should go into PR because you've got "it". I asked, what is "it"? (being the newly emigrated, young naief person that I was) She said, I don't know, if I did, I would be better at it.
Well somehow, life for me took many twists and turns (= many moves, in and outside Canada) but somehow PR was never a part of any endeavour. Until now. And I'm lovin' it! At 45, I finally know what I want to do 'when I grow up'. Yikes!
That said, I'm not going to fret about my age, it cannot be helped. I am not going to dwell on all those supposed missed opportunities as I a)can't do anything about it, and b)I've never been in such a supportive environment as I find myself right now being on the Gilbert and Sullivan society's board!
Hence, that, plus my scattered life in the past weeks what with doctor's appointments and the mondane things in life (laundry, grocery shopping, picking kids up from school etc) has kept me from even wanting to post.
My mind is in PR gear and I'm finally being appreciated for it. It's nice for a change! I have kept my eye out on politics too mind you, but have not had the umph to comment on it. I am having too much to do and I need to get my house environment in order as well, literally. If I need to do a lot of 'thinking-work', I cannot function in chaos and we have ehem, a bit of that.
So..there you have it. I haven't fallen of the face of the earth nor intend to do so. I do realize in blog time, I have been away for ages so I will try to make amends. Robert R..thanks for your email update and take care, I'll be thinking of you. Cyber Otter, it was awesome hearing from you the other week (when was that again??) I have honestly missed you so please come back [s]. The rest of 'yuus' know you're in my favourites list and I will always return to check in with you. Now with getting a life, which I had wanted for so long, I have to learn time management AND stress management..yes yes, join your club. Well, I'll get there. In the mean time, bear with my apparent absence but know I'm still there, I just can't promise anything.
oh and..can anyone read Japanese? Someone posted on my babies know obama post (in Japanese) but for the life of me (thank you sitemeter, ehem), i cannot 'see' where. All I see is the occasional english word (but nothing pertaining to this blog) and a lot of Japanese script (does it have a name?) and a ton of cutesy flora and fauna pics.. so Japanese I tell ya {g].
Labels: gilbert and sullivan society of austin, personal, publicity
Hi Ingrid
Really glad you found your calling some people nver do. At 45 you are at a good point. You know it and appreciate it. Enjoy! Wish I could halp you with Japanese I have enough trouble with English!
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