Congratulations Amy Goodman! The Alternative Nobel Prize winner of the Right Livelihood award!

Asha Hagi Elmi, Amy Goodman, Krishnammal Jagannathan, Monika Hauser
Amy Goodman and three other women [Asha Hagi Elmi, co-founder of Save Somali Women and Children; Krishnammal Jagannathan, an 82-year-old activist from southern India; and Monika Hauser, a gynecologist and founder of “medica mondiale] are in Stockholm Sweden right now in honour of receiving the Right Livelihood award.
I had never heard of this award, which has apparently been around since 1980 and was established as an alternative Nobel prize award. Since 1980, there have been 133 "Alternative Nobel Laureates" chosen from 57 different countries. The purpose of this award was, quote; "to honour and support those “offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today.”
Amy Goodman's Democracy Now was chosen for “developing an innovative model of truly independent political journalism that brings to millions of people the alternative voices that are often excluded by mainstream media.”

Jakob von Uexkull
Read more about the founder of Right Livelihood Jakob von Uexkull and the 2008 recipients and/or listen to Amy's broadcast at The Right Livelihood Award: A Look at Sweden’s “Alternative Nobel”
Good for you Amy, the world is watching AND listening! Of course, the other women are heroins in their own right. Thank god there are more where they came from.
Labels: alternative nobel prize, amy goodman democracy now 2008 Right Livelihood awards
I never heard of this award. Thanks for the enlightening post.
I have never heard of this as well, but it seems like an excellent initiative. Thanks for letting us know it's out there
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