Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Osterley Times: Savage on Autism: "It's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out"

The Osterley Times: Savage on Autism: "It's a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out"

I'd been meaning to link to this as it just boggles the mind that this man hasn't been taken of the air. As a late teen, I once babysat two boys, one of them being autistic. The boy had the bluest of eyes that penetrated my head only to laserbeam somewhere out the back..beautiful eyes, unreachable. He was a little escape artist as well who had to be locked in his room at night and even during the day, when you'd think you closed everything off safe and sound..he could still find a way to get out of the house, only to stand in the middle of this country road his family lived in front. He gave me a near heart attack. He must be in his 20s now and I wonder sometimes what has become of him and his family. What help do they/he have/has?
If you want to know a little bit more about autism, there are different types as well apparently.
check out these blogs that I found at this point;
Athena, Ivan and the Integral and
Odd One Out


  1. Michael Savage is one of the worst nuts out there. That he has such an audience says a lot about our country.

    Enigma will know much more about this, of course, but autism seems to be on the rise and everyone is wondering why. Savage's explanation is not scientific, it's just him attempting to blame the victim, so he & his rich friends won't have to pay to help clean up the mess.

    I never babysat an autistic, but I ended up the favorite babysitter of some very difficult children (one was epileptic who wigged out one night as I was watching "Night of the Living Dead" -- gave me quite a fright). That would be so scary to find one you were in charge of had gotten out in the middle of a street!

  2. DK..I did not realize that Enigma knows more about this..I know she's a nurse but that probably has nothing to do with it.. I would like to know more about it as I suspect most people's exposure to autism is the 'rain man' film or 'Jerry' (poppop) from Boston Legal..I wonder how the different autistism really manifests itself.. I read one of the posts of the Athena, Ivan etc.. blog where she (or he, it comprises of two people writing) talks about if only..if only she/he'd been diagnosed with having autism when they were younger..quite the story.. this country, there's no place for nuances, or being 'different'..and Savage has an audience because tv usually depicts things black and white, no shades of gray..or is it grey??hmm..
    thx for stopping by DK..I noticed you hadn't posted in about 10 days..I'm almost heading that way when summer life gets in the way..


  3. Anonymous11:13 PM

    My blog's the 2nd one linked up there (thanks btw). If y'all check it out, what you really want to do is check out the right hand column of links. I collect information on the spectrum that I find to be particularly helpful or potentially helpful to people involved with the spectrum. I'm a music therapy graduate student who is planning on working with autistic spectrum upon graduation from my master's program. So this is all research that I'm doing for a definite long-term purpose. Plus, I was dxed as being on the spectrum (Asperger's Syndrome) as of this past October '07. It was suggested to me by my psychiatrist as a possibility. I went home, researched it, and went, "Woah! This is my whole life!"

    Since then, I've discovered that there are several comorbidities often associated with the spectrum that I probably have. And by learning the techniques to treat those, I've discovered that the quality of my life has increased. :) Always nice.

    Plus, personal experience is always helpful. Or rather, it can be helpful, if that person is willing to be helpful. Minor detail that. *rolls eyes*

  4. Hey there...
    Good subject to blog on....the Biggest Epidemic next to AIDS that this Country is dealing a Silence that is a vacumn that allows the ignorance of Micheal Savage to spew forth unabated....

    I lived in the Northwest, in an area that suffered and still does some of the Highest Autism/ADD/ADHD/Learning Disabilities Numbers in the my non profit that I created in one little County by the Canadian Border studied the Spectrum of Autism and contributing factors and effects and yes, the care available.

    One of the Main factors studied was Toxic effects....and pre-contributing factors.
    (1) Methylmercury as presented in the ambient environment around young families...

    ( oppps be right old cat is stuck on the shelf and I need to go rescue her..I will be right back...)

  5. Okay...back to Autism...I should clarify that as an old nurse...of over 20 years I quickly realized over 10 years ago that the numbers were inexplicably shifting rapidly and knew that Something was very wrong....

    **I also had personal experience that fed my thirst for answers on this Horrendous disease and its effects...( I will explain later....and much of this is woven into my book Silent Fallout as well)**

    How badly were the Numbers you ask..

    When my son was born in the early 1990's the Stats were 1 in 10,000 Births are born with Autism , WHILE he was little, the numbers shifted to 1:1500 by the time he was five...and by the time he was ten it had shifted to 1:150....and if you live on the West Coast the Numbers are can not go to a playground and not see it - esp in California and Washington...BUT now other states are also wrestling with this as well...

    Okay Back to the Issues I was raising in the first Comment..

    I personally as a nurse believe and have researched extensively the Background Contributing Factors, ( and these are important because without understanding the factors one does not understand the Treatment and Care). The other Background Factors that are in place before the Family even has Children::::

    ** (Footnote Thimerosol is made from a potent dangerous form of mercury that is based on the chemistry of methylmercury)***

    (1) Back to the Methylmercury Exposure of young families, I don't think that Vaccines ( Thimerosol) are the only contributing Factor , I believe that it is a cascade of contributing factors....and Vaccines are one of the main catalytic factors.

    (2) Methylmercury is present on many toxic locations in various forms, it is vapors in air near Toxic landfills, it leaks out of abandoned wells ( and god forbid that the wells are filled with toxic waste)
    and also it enters the Drinking Water and water that is bathed in, as well as Fish that are eaten in consumed on contaminated areas.

    (3) It can also be in the Air from Plumes of Incinerator Waste and Coal Energy ...

    NOW WHY I mention this...

    If you have young families living in a region...they are planning to get pregnent- but the mom is eating the fish with High Mercury and High Metals, and then she drinks the Water- and same thing...
    and then she gets pregnent....

    And then her infant has Vaccines MANY in the first two years , 220 the Number of Vaccines that we had as children under the age of 2 .....The baby was born with a baseline of Mercury Exposure and a possible pre-existing toxic load....and then he is re-exposed repeatedly over a period of monthes, it does cause damage to young brain cells. There are certain areas that are more prone to others to accumulate this toxin, the brain, the muscles, and the Kidneys and Liver.

    (4) So NOW What you ask ? So the baby may indeed go from appearing healthy and responsive but by the time it is two it is showing signs....true damage...this also explains why it is appearing in Twins and sets of siblings...

    (5) NOW the AAP is saying that it is caused by a genetic defect- that is not quite true...Genetic Defects do not appear out of the blue in a 15 year is not physically possible. There are scientists that are narrowing in that Certain Genes might be more vulnerable to developing autism...

    So that might be why only certain babies develope autistic traits or become autistic....

    (6) my little non profit when I was in the NW we were encouraging families to get their hair tested to test for exposure to Mercury and Heavy metals, and check for the Burden, and then we were encouraging families to change their diets to decrease the Mercury/Heavy Metal Burden ( no fish, bottled water, and no leafy vegis), and also to get chelation ( which is process in which Heavy Metals are removed from the body using chelating agents).

    And we were having noticeable success...and now there are more studies going on nationwide....

    (7) on next one...

  6. Reclarifying the Water issue- sorry- we were encouraging Bottled water- and only certain decrease metal loads, and we also encouraged people to put filters on their showers to decrease absorption...

    (8) So there is much that can be done with treatment and is just one factor...but different therapies that work with muscles and reintegrating skills lost or not gained as babies are also well as Music, Hippotherapy ( horses), and OT, and PT...and speech...and Hydrotherapy and water....and massage...BUT this is a huge process and most families are not equipped and Our School System is not equipped for this level of special Ed and therapy....sadly...

    Jenny McCarthy is one of the most vocal and honest spokespeople....Mom.... I have ever heard and she has been amazing to hear speak and her book is also amazing about her journey with her son...( I blogged about it - but I can not remember the name- and it has long been returned to the library-sorry)...

    If you want more information on Mercury,and Mercury Minamata in Japan...

    My own personal own son is not autistic...but as a Child in the NW he did indeed suffer the consequences of being exposed to a Mercury burden ......but it is more complicated than I can put here...

    And yes, I also cut off his Vaccines early because he had severe reactions...and I don't regret that I got him off, I wish I had done it in hindsight...he was a Premature birth at 36 weeks..and it was a traumatic delivery...and he was born with problems due to that situation...and then more came....and the Vaccines did not help his health situation....long story....again the whole thing is carefully explained in the book...

    If parents have questions about vaccines I encourage they ask that their vaccines have NO Methylmercury /Thimerosol ( and NO reduced is not good enough). Esp. Any Live vaccines ask ...and also the MMR, also ask for the SAFE Vaccine Schedule and Doses from your pediatrician- Jenny's website has more about that...

    If one is considering stopping their vaccines for the children, you may always do so on Religous Grounds......( I started doing this and encouraging it, because most people do truly worship and treasure their it is a truthful thing to is also a Protected Right.)

    More below::::

  7. And one More thing:::

    I live in Ohio...where the Amish are...when I first moved here I was very intrigued, because they approach medical issues very differently, they do not use perservatives in their I had a hunch they do not do Vaccines....

    So I researched it..
    and here is what is SOooo interesting...

    ***( thimerosol is a Perservative- and it is why it was and is added to vaccines is also considered to protect against possible contamination....)

    So I researched the Amish Autism rate here in Ohio ( out of 10,000 people)....and guess how many autistic kids they have ?

    NONE....that 's right....none.

    ( byw they do have other genetic illnesses/diseases...diabetes, heart disease and bipolar disorder...)

    Okay I am done for now..I hope I have not overwhelmed you....

    thank you for caring and posting on something that is indeed so important...

  8. I've never listened to Mr. Savages programmes [bit of an NPR fan] but I suspect he just wanted to up his ratings.

    It also makes me wonder what kind of a childhood he had himself?
    Best wishes

  9. Anonymous5:29 PM

    According to every official report that I've read, mercury hasn't been vaccinations since 2001.

    Plus, regardless of that, they just dxed a 60-odd something-year old with Asperger's Syndrome. Classic signs.

    Plus, you should meet my family sometime. You want to see proof that there is some level of genetic interaction with autism, then that's your proof. And I'm not the only one.

    Sure it's become big in the last 15 years, but then again, Asperger's Syndrome wasn't even added to the DSM until 1994. It wasn't something that people were looking for before, and now it is.

    As for the other types of exposures you mentioned, I haven't done enough research on those areas to be able to qualify an response.

  10. Hey there lastcrazyhorn....

    sadly the reports about the thimerosol are conflicting- basically they lied on the reports saying that they thought they only had to report above a certain limit...there is still thimerosol in certain vaccines to this day...It is the culmitive effect that is the problem...10 vaccines with small amounts is what causes the burden and the toxicity...and Mercury of ANY amount is extremely toxic to brain tissue, especially developing brains of babies.

    ( MERCK was one of the companies that lied...sadly there are children at risk- but they have friends at the FDA.....that is the way of it)

    About Aspergers in families...they are studying genetics to found out if certain families and children have predisposition to develope Aspergers or is one of the reasons that it is being studied in the Amish.....

    The Mytseries of neurodevelopement and effects will be so more explored even in the next 10 years...

  11. great discussion guys!

