Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hellow Dolly!

hurricane rain or not to rain (here in Central TX), that is the question.

Ok, Dolly won't be good for where ever she hits landfall with all the flooding and damage expected..however..for this parched Austin land (and area)..we sure can use some rain. This week my youngest, 5 yr old has been home and as expected, she needs a 'mrs Nesbith' week, my oldest will be home so the last leg of the holidays will prove to be a bit challenging activity-wise.

I need to take some pics of the backyard and talk about the changes I would like to make. That is the advantage of having my older one (10); we can make stuff together. Anyhow, it's time to get the brood out of bed to drop him off at his summer camp and take her to her swimming lesson (and hopefully get her tired out in the process)..

not much posting these days I'm afraid but I'll try to fling something on tomorrow. I see something I like and email the link to me for future references..I ought to post about it..oh well. Here's hoping we get some rain tonight..


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Stay safe out there.

  2. I felt a little guilty when others further south were right in the path of this thing, and I was mainly just hoping for rain. We didn't get nearly enough.

    I got seriously creeped out today when reading about the fire ants and tarantulas that might be floating in the flood water. Yikes! It's like a horror movie.

  3. rj..we were sooo safe it was totally anticlimactic.. apparently VERY anticlimactic as we definitely had no spiders and other ickie things floating down here..yikes!

