As much as this is the most British spectacle of 'britishness', you'll find all manners of flags represented from all over continental Europe. Note the Dutch flag!

The Royal Albert Hall, Last Night of the Proms
McCain might be a "Georgian", but I'm a "Promenader." I'm really an anglophile who somehow, should've ended up emigrating to England as opposed to Canada. It was one of those fork in the roads that to this day makes me wonder; did I make the right choice?
I will talk about by life's journey at a later point, perhaps even in a separate blog as this blog has really been an outlet for my political opinions etc.
I moved away from the Netherlands on a very rainy Monday morning, September 24th 1984. My mom drove me to the Hague as the Canadian embassy was lax in sending me the visa I needed (requested months prior, idiots) plus my passport that they had requested for the visa so I could board my flight in Amsterdam Airport to Montreal Canada where I was going to go for a one year employment as a nanny.

flying over Holland
The Saturday prior, I did what I had done for years; I watched the last two hours of the Last Night of the Proms. The last two hours are/were (?) always televised and the first two hours broadcast were broadcast on the radio. I borrowed a friends' radio who could receive the BBC so I could tape, with my tape recorder, the whole thing.
I will explain more in full when I make some changes as suggested by a dear friend.
For now I will tell you that the opening number of the 1984 Last Night of the Proms, performed as always at the Royal Albert Hall, conducted by the scottish director James Laughran (unusual as it was always considered a "British" thing but JL was conductor of the BBC Scottish orchestra so hey, some british connection there)..

White Cliffs of Dover
I keep digressing. The opening number performed then is one of those pieces that make my eyes swell up with tears, my heart and being cry, and my mind to be filled with images of England; landscapes, and for some weird reason..the white cliffs of Dover. Don't ask. I'm not an overly sentimental person (perhaps only deep inside), and I've never ever seen the white cliffs of Dover. One things' for sure, I need to write. Music equals images equals bits and snippets of 'stories'..

If ANYONE can ever somehow send me a video of that 1984 Last Night of the Proms performance which includes Ralph Vaughan Williams' "Serenade to Music", which had the most beautiful, tenderest rendition..I would be very thankful. Youtube does not have it. I have not found it. The BBC never could oblige either..I've tried. Does anyone have any leads for me?
For now, this is what I found. Not a whole orchestral piece but one with violin and piano and about 15 voices. It is still a beautiful rendition they do a wonderful job.
Thank You Hirowaki.

I looked up last night of the proms on you tube and there were more than a few from 2000 and 2007 but I not only never heard of it but I don't know how to send a video on a comment? I always was curious though why you left and came here? I loved that country! I was there in 75 or 6! Take care!
ReplyDeleteYou likely know I'm a transplanted Brit through Canada and on (in the fullness of time and my 30th year) to the US. I spent a couple of years in Europe (mostly London) long ago and went to the Proms half a dozen times. It was a wonderful experience. Your pictures are lovely.
ReplyDeleteI so want to experience Amsterdam soon. Not for the prostitutes, just a few of the "coffee" houses. I hear those "joints" are really rocking around Thanksgiving. I also understand they need judges for a few of their "product" contests during that week.
ReplyDeleteYou would love A'Dam! I had a ball there and still have some addresses of nice youth hostels and the coffee houses are awesome!
Jimster, the story of my life (in essence) I'm saving up for another blog to be started hopefully this week. Not to sound dramatic or overly emotional, but you know, why did I leave? Good question. I'm going to process my 'stuff' through the blog (not this one) and not turn it into something 'woe is me' like but hopefully with asking questions and answering them as well. Anecdotal and inspirational..most of all inspirational for me of course as I'm the one 'processing' [g].
ReplyDeleteSusan, I forgot you were a pom I mean BRIT by birth [wink]! It was always funny to see the last night of the proms and see all the different european flags as people just loved the pomp and circumstance (literally) although that never took away from the love they had of their own country. It's music for christ sakes! shee..
and how lucky for you to have gone yourself! It's on my list of things to do..
I had the opportunity to go to one concert at the royal albert hall but it was pre-tty boring! Still, it was awesome being in the same spot it gave me goosebumps.
Robert, little confusion there bud..those concerts take place in London UK..not A'dam. And A'dam is sure, a pretty interesting place. Lots of little 'broodjes' places (sandwhich type places)where you can sit and watch the world go by. The Dutch love to sit and watch people..perhaps one of these days after kids.. you can make it out there..if we're all still in one piece that is [g]..
ReplyDeleteI look forward to communicating with you on your new Blog whenever! Good luck!
thanks Jim, we'll see how 'she flies'..Just think, I never ever held a diary 'cause I was always afraid that 'someone' would find it and read my innermost thoughts..
ReplyDeletecensoring a diary..and now trying a personal blog.. we'll see. [g]
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think you need a new Blog for that? Trial it here no? I just loved it there and I won't get you emotional but you don't here too much about their experiences in WW2 here but I have read extensively and they too went through hell!
Ingrid, I know it was in the UK, but when you mentioned the Dutch flag, it started me thinking about a European Vacation.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, are there any over 50 hostels? LOL I'm not exactly a youth anymore!
ReplyDeleteI know you are joking but anyone is welcome and you will love it!
Robert, gotcha. associative thinking I have it as well. Btw.. there is a site of a cartoonist (belgian) who I wanted to refer you to in the event of a potential collaboration for uncommon sense. I'll try to remember to find the link and send it to you so you can think about that.
ReplyDeleteI have stuff to do today but hopefully will do some writing either here or on uncommon sense..haven't been back for a while..