Friday, August 08, 2008

For's the Weekend...

Since Zee and I share an European upbringing of sorts and he seems to be in a hideaway mood, perhaps this'll make him come out and smile..Zee...pour toi..AND..for all my other blogger buds..I've been going down memory lane (see below post) and this was one of my favourite songs.. can you imagine this being played on the radio here in the US?? LOL..did not think so...


  1. Well, oh mon dieu - I haven't heard that song for ages. Thanks, it did put a smile on my face and brought up some old memories!
    I am not depressed, I am just faintly depressed - these days.
    You see, I don't seem to have a handle on things, things that need to be taken care of immediately. Other than that, I'm still standing.
    I spend a bit of time on uTube each day now that I am back home. You are Dutch, so you must know Hokus Pokus from Focus. I cranked up the speakers tonight and I sure enjoyed the ride.
    But Je t'aime is fabulous, thanks for posting it!

  2. Dearest Zee..hope the faintly depressed will find a way to get things done..nothing can stop one dead in its track when 'stuff' needs to get done..especially when you're just totally not in the frame of mind..glad you're still standing always are or so I seem to have noticed [s]..
    of course I remember hocus pocus by focus..I've got the lp but no lp player to play it's a live version at that I think (it's in a box somewhere, that and my first Nina Hagen album)
    glad I could put a smile on your's the sentimental me at the moment so it's not an oft shown side of me, I might dig up some more 'oldies' that I grew up with just for the fun of going down memory lane..


  3. OMG, you have hit on one of my favorites from back in the day! Too hot for radio, at least here in the US at the time. Serge may have been an aging playboy, but still sexy. Google Jane Birkin to see how she looks now -- not fair, I tell 'ya!

    Sorry your friend Zee is feeling down. Things do seem overwhelming sometimes. I make lists & am never so happy as when I can cross something off the list -- DONE!

  4. Jane Birkin still lookin' good? Lucky her (no plastic surgery??) anyway..their daughter died last year if I remember correctly..she was my age too.. think that they had at least one child while 'all' that was going 70s!!
    As for Zee..he's an artist extraordinaire and a restless one to boot..but independent and he has a very interesting blog..a smorgasbord of sorts..check it out.


  5. omg...too funny..I was soooo hoping that DK came over- this is one of her favorite videos- and she told me about it last year and I love 70' yummy....

