Friday, July 28, 2006

Saturday; The torture Blogathon

Proceeds to Amnesty International/USA. I will be blogging for a few posts, and Heathlander will be pulling a 24 hour/48post run! Good luck Heathlander! So please check out bloggers against torture where you will find many familiar 'faces' blog for 24hrs, sharing Heathlanders' load with one or more posts. I have committed myself to 4. BLOGAGAINSTTORTURE.BLOGSPOT.COM
And now I leave you with something that Jews, Muslims and Christians, (and everyone else!!) can agree on; the humour of Mr. Bean at Church!

Have a good weekend ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ingrid,

    good luck with the blogging! Thought you would enjoy this:
