Monday, July 24, 2006

If you want to be heard at the Israeli Parliament Committee..

this is your chance. Jonathan from Intellect or Insanity, an Israeli blogger and apparent media savvy person and consultant of sorts (I am just throwing that in myself, he's not making any claims but he is used to dealing with the Israeli media and used to be in a small, now disbanded political party),
anyway, Jonathan will attend a Parliament committee hearing on the Israel-Lebanon war in cyberspace. He is asking bloggers to either send him a video through Youtube or a text (I guess email or comment on his site) that he can compile to present to the committee. He's not only asking for feedback from people from the region, but from all over the world:
This upcoming Wednesday, i shall attend a parliament committee meeting regarding the Israel-Lebanon war in cyberspace and try to explain the current position and possible solutions. I mean, i do have a bridge to the nation’s leaders and a way to make them listen. It seems that as time goes by i have more options to point out the injustice The problem, which i saw when i attended other discussions, is that mostly what comes out is an unsettled resolution.

Therefore, my assignment for the readers of this blog: no matter where are you from, you have me to use as a vessel to pass a message to the Israeli parliament. I am here to show the parliament that the internet is not to be used only for surveillance, information, espionage and propaganda. You can use me to pass a message through. If you can send me a link to a youtube video you recorded yourself with a message, i’ll do my best to show it. If you have a text, i’ll try to send the message out.

It's worthwhile reading his post as a whole, I highly recommend it. One of the issues he brings up is how Israelis look at people protesting for peace. The one good point he brings up is how people protest, but do not offer an alternative. I suggest when you do give your feedback to Jonathan, that you need to be serious and put your emotions aside, and , trying to see it from both sides, offer some form of alternative working solution..not just short term, but long term. I will hope for some peace and quiet early in the morning (pls pls let the kids still be asleep), so I can write one myself..

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