
Molen de Roos

Just imagine men and riders wearing mail, can you just picture this in the past? I love the look of this; green, historic and the Willow..for medieval images one always needs a Willow tree

[clopclopclop] the horses arrive...I can soo see it! I have dreamt of ages past but not pretending I was a Queen or maiden of sorts..nay, I would've been like a veritable Joan of Arc..hey..mail, sense a theme?
I've been blah for too long and I am making, however small, changes in my life and now to the blog. It's not the finished look that I'd want but I remember the 'new' style of blogger that is a bit of a pain to do (time consuming). So for now..this'll have to do. So for the occasion, here are some pictures from Holland by Pieter Haringsma from Delft.

Tour boat in Delft

The tourboat in the neighbourhood of Hippolytus
Check out more beautifully taken pictures by Pieter Haringsma
Labels: personal, pictures of Delft, Pieter Haringsma
9 Comments: have been busy here...lovely...and I have never seen Holland..I am so curious..I read a book about Anne Frank and her family moving there( the books covers her whole life and also what happened after they were captured...) But anyways some of what is written was so haunting..and how much Anne missed trees...
The Willows above are delicate , yet strong...really wonderful...
If you want any help with Blog Changes - I would be happy to help....DK is better at some stuff....but I could probally help with some basic stuff ;-)
I love the BLUE calming and peaceful...very soothing...
okay back to reading...
E..thanks..I prefer the simple look (hehe, that's what it's the template is called 'minima') and I am contemplating just getting a website..but for now this is fine. With my austin permie site, I did the new blogger look but it was a hassle I tell you. I prefer to make html changes even though I know very little. There was a free site where you could learn html (I'll let you know once I remember where it was) and I 'got' some of it. The white was just too cold and distant and the blue is peaceful isn't it. Plus as a primary color, it will be fine with whatever picture I'd post. speaking of which, these pictures of Pieter (whom I don't know but just found when googling for dutch pics) are pretty crisp in colour and clarity when you check them out on his site.. naturally, they're bigger and bigger does make it look 'better'..)
thanks for all your support rock!
Blue is so lovely..peaceful..soothing...great with photos and the light print...
You are on a roll woman ;-)
I am posting Tony Stuff this weekend _ can watch whole episodes on YOUYTUBE- like the whole Beirut one is amazing ( 4parts)
okay...gotta go walk the doggie..
many hugs..
I can't wait to see what it is because I have no clue who you're referring to! [s].. hopefully I'll have a delayed Edith Bunker reaction and recognize it when I see it..
lucky you with a dog..I wished we could have one..
I can't wait to see what it is because I have no clue who you're referring to! [s].. hopefully I'll have a delayed Edith Bunker reaction and recognize it when I see it..
lucky you with a dog..I wished we could have one..
The new look is cool. Very. I was thinking of changing mine, but when I tried a sample, blogger wanted to change all my old posts & since I had done some very specific space things with pics, nothing looked right. So I left it as is ... for now. There must be a way to have the change only take effect for current/new posts, but I couldn't figure it out (as usual).
I bet Engima is referring to that No Reservations guy. Mr Hottie. Hmmmm, he'd fit right into these Holland pics.
ahhhh DK you know me soooo well..yup....Tony Bourdain...NO Reservations...this week he is going to Tokyo...( I don't know if he has ever been to Holland...hmm, I need to research that...)
see you tomorrow...
oh of course! Tony Bourdain! sha..I don't think he'd have any reason to go to Holland though save for some of the Dutch fish you see people eat from fish stalls in some of the cities.. we have some hardy dishes due to the cold damp weather..which reminds me of a dish I should write about which might be of interest. It's not the actual food, but how it came about and it dates back from when the Spaniards occupied Holland (during the 80yr war)..
haha...see put your own food with this- and a story and there you go- you got your own NO RESERVATIONS....we will all show up holding a spoon and a bowl ;-)
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