Interesting site:

I've been noticably absent this week but I've been lurking about. This weekend will be a super busy one; campfire kickoff, birthday party, then sunday, birthday party, family paddle event.. pffff. Anyhow, I am reading Frank Rich's 'The greatest story ever sold' and as a poli sci grad, I am interested in different people's opinions. Whilst browsing, I saw this site , It is Libertarian based, but apparently, frequented by people of many political stripes. In the case of the current neo-con domination, this can only be undermined by people of all political persuasion. It is not solely up to the Democrats. It kind of supports my belief (see post below) that for the sake of non-domination by either party (a two party system will not do anyone any good, there is no leverage to behold), we need better organization of parties/political ideology that agrees on some things, not necessarily all. But the goal should be to prevent one party domination like the neo-cons were able to do. And trust me, people's memory in this country is very short term.
Not only that, the damage done by the Bush and co. is very long term. Either in the perception of the world vs the US, or the internal misperceptions of so many uninformed, Americans who believe the boogy men are 'out there', rather than 'in here'. The 'us vs them'-ers. For those bloggers like Betmo and TUO, it's the way to get religion out of politics. Dilute the voting pool and diminish the strenght of the ignorant. I'm not saying people with strong ideas (either left or right, a lot of those people are well read and just have a strong opinion one way or another) but those ignorants who are easily swayed and manipulated.
Anyhow, peruse and read a bit on this site. For my poli sci degree I had to be exposed to all kinds of political thought. Just staying completely within our own circle of agreement won't do any good.
Labels: anti-war
i live for the day when religion no longer has a place on this planet. i can only hope scientific advances can continue to make leaps and bounds ahead of the fanatics who wish to way lay them. :) i am very much for third party candidates and parties but i don't think that they can succeed in the political arena while there isn't any election reform. we need to overhaul the election process and monies and i think people are ready for change.
my husband thinks that there should be a 10 question current events quiz at the voting booth. you take the quiz and then vote. only 80 percent score or higher gets their vote registered. so- you won't know if your vote counts or not. but it would weed out the moron vote- and possibly the religious one. although they aren't always mutually exclusive :)
I've looked into Opposition to war always seems very charming, but opposing any type of intervention is wrong.
The American campaign in Iraq was a terrible mistake. On the other hand, earlier intervention in the Darfur crisis could have saved so many lives.
"In the case of the current neo-con domination, this can only be undermined by people of all political persuasion."
"But the goal should be to prevent one party domination like the neo-cons were able to do."
"I'm not saying people with strong ideas (either left or right, a lot of those people are well read and just have a strong opinion one way or another) but those ignorants who are easily swayed and manipulated."
Wow! You need to get a reality check, sweetie; no one died and made you queen.
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