Amish donate cash to school gunman’s widow

(Mel Evans/AP)
>...An Amish community that lost five girls in a Pennsylvania schoolhouse shooting massacre last year has donated money to the widow of the gunman, the community said Wednesday...
Now this is faith at work. Not an empty, bombastic and faux-religious/pious claim to wanting to serve God and country like so many Republicans (which the Democrats feel forced to follow suit to show (to) those religious voters how much worthwhile voting for them is)..

Weekly prayer thread for President Bush and our troops.
Actions speak louder than words...

True Cost of War

From the Death of a Soldier Gallery, Michael Kamber of the New York Times

another image from Michael Kamber
Read his 'Digital Journalist' report on his story of not being allowed to post some pictures even though the soldiers wanted him to tell America what it is like:
Back at the base that night, the editing and censoring process began. The embed regulations had recently been changed to say that no photos of identifiable wounded soldiers could be published without their written permission. Nor of identifiable soldiers killed in action. The explanation was that this rule was in place to protect the soldiers and their families. This seemed patently unworkable. The badly wounded soldier I had photographed earlier was temporarily blinded by the blast and on a plane to Germany. How could he be shown a photo and asked to sign off on it?
[Two of the slightly wounded soldiers returned to their unit the next day. I showed them their photos and they quickly signed releases.]
I asked John Burns, The New York Times' Baghdad bureau chief, a rhetorical question I repeat here. What would our collective photographic history of World War II look like if Robert Capa was forced to chase stretchers down Omaha Beach on D-Day trying to get releases? What would our history of Vietnam be if Tim Page or Don McCullin carried a clipboard as they worked and presented it for signatures at Khe Sanh or Hué?
Here in Iraq, we wanted to show the most dramatic photos, ones that would show the public what the soldiers in Iraq were sacrificing in this war. Yet Damien Cave had earlier been thrown out of an embed after pictures taken by another photographer during a battle in Baghdad were published. Those pictures showed a wounded soldier who later died.
Read the full article HERE.
How is your faith and in whom do you place your faith in?

The Amish of Lancaster County, often seen as living in an idyllic but archaic past, have given a powerful example for the future Read the rest of the story.
Labels: action speak louder than words, real faith
That Amish gesture is weird but very kind.
yohay, that's funny you should consider this weird. The Amish are known for their 'forgiveness' and this gesture is in keeping with what they believe in. They practice what they preach..
So I guess there are no Jewish versions of this in Israel is there?
A very powerful post Ingrid :)
I think most folks talk more about Jesus' wishes than actually know what they are.
The Amish are wonderful people to practice their religion so completely.
thanks for stopping by Dusty. I think it's like a lot of other adopted (read, transferred) issues. It has more to do with the person than their excuse for doing or saying something. Jesus or Allah these days is the perfect example. "In the name of.." absolves you from personal responsibility doesn't it? Or it makes you look good amongst your compadres. The religious version of brown nosing I suppose.
The Amish are admirable people. I don't think I could live like them or be like them but part of me feels that they are a way to strive for. If not in actual practices, in spirit. And the spirit of forgiveness is a powerful one.
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